Let’s bring the green to create you new-fresh Workspace

Having house plants is one way to make people or your employees feel comfortable and fresh and give them peacefulness. We know if you think it is a trivial thing, but actually, it can be a strong foundation in creating a cozy atmosphere, increasing productivity, and can help reduce stress.

Flexible pricing can make your plants grow with you!

We offer competitive prices according to your needs. So, no need to worry anymore because we will help you find the best plants you want.

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Lelah, stres, merasa khawatir, atau gelisah karena pekerjaan adalah sesuatu hal yang tidak dapat dihindari. Tetapi, Anda bisa menguranginya

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Manfaat Tanaman dalam Ruang Kerja!

Memiliki tanaman dalam ruang kerja atau kantor ternyata tidak hanya berfungsi untuk menyegarkan mata saja, tetapi juga memiliki manfaat lain yang dapat memberikan dampak positif untuk kesehatan fisik dan mental karyawan.

Sewa atau Beli, ya?

Mungkin kamu sudah banyak melakukan riset, membaca semua manfaat tanaman kantor, hingga memiliki keinginan untuk mengubah suasana tempat bekerja jadi lebih hijau dan fresh.

“Plants give us oxygen for the lungs and for the soul”

Frequently Asked Question

How do I rent plants on habitart?

The steps for renting plants in the habitat are super easy. First, you can choose plants here. Then you can select the type of plant (Including size and selection based on plant category. You can also select the type of pot that fits the design and needs of your room).

Second, fill in your data in the form listed, then select the date of application. Voila! You did it! Our team will call you right away. Don’t hesitate to contact our customer support if you need further information or help.

Where are the plant rental services located?

For now, plant rental service locations are available in the JABODETABEK area. For cities outside of that, we offer a buy option. For more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our customer support.

Is there a minimum fee for a plant rental service in the habitat?

There is a minimum monthly fee for subscribing to plant rentals in the habitat. Let us know your needs here. Then our team will contact you immediately. We can also offer a plant buy option, including shipping and installation costs.

What types of plants can I choose?

You can choose from more than 100 types of indoor and outdoor plants. More details can see on the catalog page.

Can I choose the plants I want to rent?

Of course! You can choose the type of plant easily through the catalog that has been provided and categorized.

What if I want a plant that is not in the catalog?

Please send us your plants’ requirements on this form. Our team will help you anytime!

Spill your plan while we’re preparing our best!

    Where plants will be placed

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